2011年3月23日 星期三













香港一位市民 林倫理

A Reply to a citizen not happy with our government:
Thanks for taking time in enlightening me with your view. Actually, all of us are ordinary grass root people of HK. We want our life to be calm and peaceful with a little dignity in leading a simple life. We would like our children in positively live in this city and help the less fortunate with the education and knowledge they gain from our support and good will to the society. Hong Kong need more enthusiastic people in rendering service to their fellow people living here, rather than someone act radically in opposing the government. After all, government is here in taking helm of managing the city. We need this social structure in properly manage the city. We can propose and try to help with our ability but not the other way round. No society is perfect and not all men are saints. So, what we advocate is a rational act in helping the government and lead them into the proper direction of serving our citizen. After all, we have paid for the service and we have to best use of our investment for our city. In leading our children walk on a track of opposing government and demand something that the society is not ready for will be a disaster for HK. The final conclusion will be uprising and overthrowing of a government. This will be a great social cost and bloodshed with unrest and uncertainty. My recommendation is everyone need to add value to society by doing something conducive to help our children grow positively and do whatever we can help in helping others.

Social welfare is what our society need to do in helping the less fortunate. The resources have to be distributed evenly and wisely among the enormous demand from every sector. We have to consider and take a balanced position with the limited resource. People may hold different view but can voice the society need for consideration until the time is ripe for it. So, no matter which sector of people come from they have to think about their representation as well as the priority of the immediate needs of our society. We have to take an attitude with more understanding to the government official with the scarce resource in their hand.  Meanwhile, we have to encourage our children who would like to be a public servant in joining the government team in serving HK for its prosperity. We need more bright and hearty young  generation in joining the government in serving HK. We hope we are not going to raise a generation of anti-government kids in breaking rules and laws but positive citizens in helping HK grow with its resident.

I do not have much direct contact with any of the LegCo members. But I know they are working for HK one way or the other. I am not prompt to say they are evil in a certain act in the distribution of benefit of the sectors. Their decision may have their reasons. You should learn more of their reasons behind rather than just jump to the conclusion if they are of different view. I disagree only to some of them in opposing the government in a way which is not acceptable to the people of HK of my kind and I firmly believe the majority of HK citizen do not want HK to be in Chaos. We must have HK rule under the basic law which is the only lawful rule set for HK during the transition of power. To overthrow the law might mean the transition of power to another regime which will surely cost blood and erupt the stability of social order. I know there are people who do not wish to have China taking back the sovereignty from British, some do not want communist rule over Hong Kong. It is still a minority though with a few hundred thousand among 7 million population. Like it or not, HK is a part of China now and communist is the ruling party of China. The party is the most capable in China in leading its people into the world arena with its great development in all fields. No other party in China has such ability and I believe none has such a great mind and capability in HK in taking China to become a strong nation in the world as communist is practicing. Uprising against China and Communist in HK will sooner or later provoke another 6.4 tragedy of China. As a Chinese living in HK, I do not want one for us here and I denounce the act of some of HK resident provoking one under the name of Goddess of Democracy or a Guardian Angel of the Poor. We believe our government are promoting democracy as well as taking care of the less privileged. To be up against our government is pointless and meaningless. We know all acts are cheating the majority silence who want a peaceful life. This will not help us support them in taking over the rule from China and let them be our ruler.

There are equal number of radical left and radical right in HK. All they added up is still the minority. They are equally brave and daring. What is the use of provoking them to fight against each other.  We the law abiding citizen is still the majority. We prefer to live in HK under the basic law for 50 years as one country 2 system which is only 37 years left behind us. My children will be living in HK under one country one system by that time. I want my children to live a happy life with the service he can to his country. I don't want him to be an anti-government kid in provoking blood in changing regime to another ambitious politician. This is not an age of revolution in changing governments, we have freedom and we have democracy under the basic law. If we raise our kids to overthrow the Basic Law of HK, we will have nothing except a smashed potato. People will say they will die for freedom and democracy, yet they do not know that democracy and freedom cannot get into the way of other people's democracy or right and freedom. If they did,  they will actually become a law breaker. They will surely be punished one way or the other.

This is an age of service, an age for contribution, not an age of revolution of changing governments. If we lead our children into anti-government attitude, we are leading them into a dead end. Let us work for the prosperity of HK with a positive attitude and a broader mind. Best regards.

Mark Lam

